The Tour
Got the blues? Let the sunshine in. Roll up your shades every morning (some 21st century folks never lower them/you’re naked/no comment)! Also, thrifting really cures the blahs!
The After Party
Renaissance dethroned! I listen to Thee Sacred Souls every day. If I’m not actually playing the album, I’m still singing the album. Good Lord…sacred indeed. Not a bad track on this joint. Cure your winter blahs with Future Lover, a guaranteed head-nodder.
After The After Party
I thought Thee Sacred Souls were a good pick me up for the winter blues. Guess I was right. A Tiny Desk Concert aired two weeks ago!
The Bibliophile
I just need lots of shelves. Readers, wait for it! LMAO….
Oscar Season
Watch The Barber of Little Rock. Thank Candelaria.